Ricardo Geada to moderate panel about novel foods at ICBC Berlin

Posted on: April 9th, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

Director and Head of Regulatory Solutions Ricardo Geada will moderate a panel at ICBC Berlin about the implementation and enforcement of the regulation of foods with cannabinoids in the EU.

The panelists, the European Medicinal Cannabis Association’s General Secretary Sita Schubert and Founder of Cannactions Consulting Ltd Constant Ma, will discuss complex regulatory frameworks involving regional regulations and overarching EU guidelines, noting how novel foods are treated differently within the European Union.

They will highlight disparate perspectives, as well as harmonization and authorization efforts in the EU, and the difficulties in establishing novel food status for hemp food ingredients and cannabinoids, including persistent challenges related to health claims, novel cannabinoids and inappropriate marketing.

The panel, titled ‘(Not) on the plate: EU’s Dilemma with Cannabinoids and Novel Food’ will take place at 11am CET on Tuesday, 16 April at the Estrel Hotel in Berlin.

Click here to learn more and register for the conference.

Tribunal compensation limits increase

Posted on: April 7th, 2024 by Natasha Cox

From 6 April 2024, new increased compensation limits for employment tribunal claims will come into force under the provisions of the Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2024.

The changes are as follows:

  • maximum amount of a week’s pay (used for calculating a redundancy payment or for various awards including the unfair dismissal basic award): £700 (increased from £643)
  • limit on amount of unfair dismissal compensatory award: £115,115 (increased from £105,707)
  • minimum amount of unfair dismissal basic award for trade union, health and safety, working time representative, pension scheme trustee and employee representative dismissals: £8,533 (increased from £7,836)
  • minimum amount for unlawful exclusion or expulsion from trade union: £13,032 (increased from £11,967)
  • maximum guarantee payment per day: £38 (increased from £35)
  • amount for unlawful inducement relating to trade union membership/activities or collective bargaining: £5,584 (increased from £5,128)

With effect in respect of claims presented on or after 6 April 2024, the Presidential Guidance on the Vento bands for making awards for injury to feelings in discrimination claims is being amended by a Seventh Addendum which increases the bands to:

  • £1,200 to £11,700 for the lower band—less serious cases (previously £1,100 to £11,200)
  • £11,700 to £35,200 for the middle band (previously£11,200 to £33,700)
  • £35,200 to £58,700 for the upper band—the most serious cases (previously £33,700 to £56,200)
  • £58,700 and above for the most exceptional cases (previously £56,200 and above)

Mohit Pasricha explores athlete trademarks and brand protection in The Times

Posted on: March 28th, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

With Kylian Mbappé recently registering trademarks for his name and iconic goal celebration, Head of Sports & Entertainment Mohit Pasricha discusses how athletes can use the law to build their identity and protect their brand.

Mohit’s article was published in The Times, 28 March 2024, and can be found here.

Kylian Mbappé is often described as the “next Lionel Messi”; however the French football star is not just following in the footsteps of his Argentinian counterpart on the pitch. He has already taken similar steps off the pitch: by formally applying to register a black and white logo that depicts his crossed arms celebration as a registered trademark, together with other trademarks relating to his surname, initials and most famous quotes.

A nine-year legal battle ensued before the Court of Justice of the European Union finally approved Messi’s registration of an EU-wide trademark for a logo consisting of his name and a stylized letter M. The French phenomenon’s trademark applications should – in theory – be approved much faster.

Notably, the applications do not seek to prevent others from performing Mbappé’s famous celebration. They only apply to clothing, footwear, games, sports equipment, accessories, luggage, and printed matter such as books and magazines. As a result, and if registered, he will be provided with legal protection in the EU and the UK, which prevents others from trying to sell such goods if they feature the trademark of him performing the celebration.

Seeking to monetise their image and using the law to proactively build their brand, Mbappé’s move is part of a wider trend by sports stars and celebrities to protect their intellectual property (IP) rights relating to their signatures, names, and other personal characteristics. Trademarking a logo, symbol, name or other similar mark grants these owners a monopoly right over their IP assets, protecting their personal brand and stopping third parties from using their image.

If Mbappé’s widely anticipated transfer from PSG to Real Madrid happens during the summer window, then these trademarks are likely to form part of the overall financial package. Not only will Real Madrid be hiring him as an employee for his footballing services, the Spanish club will also want to exploit his image rights for commercial purposes. Since these trademarks will be owned by Mbappé in his personal capacity, Real Madrid will need to licence the right to use them in his employment contract, or via a separate image rights agreement.

Following the inevitable transfer, attention will focus on Real Madrid’s use of Mbappe’s trademarks and on how the revenue generated from the sale of products featuring his image (including the trademark) will be split. Notwithstanding media reports suggesting that this will be agreed at 80-20 in Mbappe’s favour, Real Madrid and other La Liga teams have previously adopted a distinctive approach: agreeing a 50/50 split with players on revenue generated from the sale of goods and services using their image in a club context.

No doubt, Mbappé’s progress in monetising opportunities will be keenly watched by sporting superstars and their agents, since failure to protect and enhance their IP rights could potentially result in millions of lost revenue for all parties.


The potential pitfalls of unlimited annual leave

Posted on: March 20th, 2024 by Natasha Cox

Many employers including LinkedIn, Netflix, Eventbrite and Dropbox are now offering their employees unlimited annual leave.

Unlimited leave reflects a significant uplift on the statutory minimum position. Under the Working Time Regulations 1998, full-time employees are legally entitled to 5.6 weeks’ paid holiday each year, which translates to 28 days, including bank holidays. Part-time staff are also entitled to 5.6 weeks, the number of days being dictated by how pro-rated their working time is.

While undoubtedly a great selling point to potential new recruits, is unlimited annual leave more hassle than its worth for an employer?

Potentially, yes. Employers need to be extremely careful when implementing an unlimited annual leave policy because failing to set appropriate expectations and creating a clear and well-structured policy could lead to significant problems. For example, how does one calculate the annual leave owing (or owed) when an employee’s employment comes to an end if this is not specified in their contract or the leave policy? Likewise with the continued accumulation of leave during a period of family leave.

No employer is likely to be content with an employee taking 52 weeks’ annual leave in a leave year, not least because they won’t be able to do the job that they’re employed to do. If you are offering unlimited annual leave, employers must ensure adoption of and adherence to minimum performance criteria, as well as having robust performance measures in place to objectively assess how well the employee is performing.

Further, employees will still need their manager’s permission to take time off, which could result in the policy being enforced differently from one manager to another. This may lead to accusations of favouritism, or differing treatment of employees in relation to any of the nine protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.

Lack of cover during an employee’s holiday may also discourage them from taking time off, undermining the incentive for annual leave altogether.

It is ultimately important to strike a balance between the needs of the business for employees to carry out the jobs they are employed to do, and the ability to attract and retain the right talent. While offering unlimited annual leave is certainly likely to assist with recruitment and retention, its implementation needs careful handling to avoid unintended consequences.

Talk to us if you would like to discuss the pros and cons of enhanced employee benefits.

Lawrence Stephens advises Blue Shield Capital on complex bridging loan

Posted on: March 19th, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

Lawrence Stephens’ Banking and Real Estate Finance teams recently advised Blue Shield Capital on a 12-month bridging loan in a complicated deal structure which involved a high amount of property due diligence, multiple contemplated changes in deal structure and complex legal issues that required multi-disciplinary support from the LS team.  

The £3.4 million loan facilitates the purchase of a portfolio of 18 flats across Wembley and Harrow. The Lawrence Stephens and Blue Shield Capital teams worked seamlessly together to secure a successful completion for the client.

The team from Lawrence Stephens was led by Director and Head of Banking, Ajoy Bose-Mallick on the banking & finance aspects and Senior Associate Rachel Coulthard on the real estate finance side. They received crucial assistance from a cross-departmental team including Director Gregory Palos, Senior Associates Ashley Wright and Abtin Yeganeh, Solicitor Bola Kim, and Trainee Solicitors Electra Kallidou, Sophie Morton and Alex Ruder.

Ajoy commented: “As always, it was a pleasure to work with the stellar team at Blue Shield Capital to complete this complicated transaction for the client, which makes an exciting addition to their real estate financing loan book.”

Stephen Messias and Goli-Michelle Banan ranked in Spear’s Property Index 2024

Posted on: March 13th, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

We are delighted to share that Director and Head of Residential Real Estate Goli-Michelle Banan and Director in our Commercial Real Estate team and Co-Founder of Lawrence Stephens Stephen Messias have been ranked in the Spear’s Property Advisers’ Index 2024 as Top Recommended Property Lawyers.

The Spear’s Property Advisers’ index recognises the best advisers to buy, sell, manage and invest in super-prime property in London, the UK and abroad. 

These rankings are decided on the basis of peer nominations, client feedback, interviews, data supplied by firms, and extensive research by Spear’s.

Click here to see the full rankings.

The Transparency Reporting Pilot

Posted on: February 29th, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

Every year, thousands of families are deeply affected by the decisions made by the Family Court. Historically, very little was known to the public about how the Court operated, often leading to the family justice system being criticised for being too secretive.

To address these concerns, the Transparency Reporting Pilot (‘the Pilot’) was introduced in the Family Courts of Leeds, Carlisle and Cardiff in January 2023. Following a successful year, the Pilot was extended to a total of 16 Family Courts in England and Wales on 29 January 2024. 

The Pilot authorises accredited journalists and ‘legal bloggers’ to report on what they see and hear during Family Court proceedings. Reporters will also have access to confidential court documents and be able to engage in discussions with parties to the proceedings.

Before publicising their observations, reporters will need to obtain a Transparency Order from the court, which sets out exactly what they may or may not publicise in each individual case. Additionally, reporters must anonymise the parties to ensure that their identity is not disclosed.

The implementation of the Pilot is significant as it represents a departure from legislation that previously prevented the publication of this material. For the first time, hundreds of Family Court cases are now reported on in mainstream media including BBC News, The Daily Mail and The Guardian.

With this new transparency, the Pilot is credited with improving public understanding and confidence in the family justice system, as first-hand reports of family cases (including specifics of the court’s procedures and decision-making processes) are now available to the public.

This is crucial because, statistically, a significant proportion of the population will become embroiled in legal proceedings following the breakdown of a relationship. The Pilot enables the public and parties to approach proceedings with greater confidence, understanding and clarity.   

The Pilot has also improved public confidence in the family justice system. Reporters are now able to name the professionals involved in the court proceedings, including the Judges, legal representatives and local authority workers. Where this information is publicly available, the public will be able to scrutinise the decisions and actions of these professionals. This scrutiny, in turn, may lead to professionals “upping their game”, ultimately improving the system and ensuring a better outcome for the parties.

Following the extension of the Transparency Reporting Pilot, the judiciary has continued to review its impact. So far, the reviews have suggested that the Pilot has significantly increased public trust and confidence in the family courts whilst protecting the parties’ confidentiality. If the Pilot’s positive effects persist, it is possible that it will eventually become a permanent fixture and be extended to all Family Courts in England and Wales.

At Lawrence Stephens, our Family team offers bespoke advice and a wide range of services including divorces, both domestic and international, financial settlements and claims involving overseas assets, for a diverse range of clients including professionals and HNW individuals.

Lawrence Stephens advise Blue Shield Capital on £5.7 million bridging loan

Posted on: February 23rd, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

Lawrence Stephens’ Banking and Real Estate Finance teams recently advised Blue Shield Capital on a £5.7 million 12-month bridging loan. The loan was structured as a development exit loan on a block of 14 residential apartments located in Dorset.

The teams from Lawrence Stephens and Blue Shield Capital worked hard to expedite a swift completion and have subsequently liaised with the borrower on the sale of several of the residential apartments.

On the banking side, the team from Lawrence Stephens was led by Head of Banking and Director Ajoy Bose-Mallick, with assistance from Senior Associate Ashley Wright and Trainee Solicitor Electra Kallidou. Senior Associate Rachel Coulthard advised on the Real Estate elements of this loan.

Ajoy commented: “It was a pleasure working with the team from Blue Shield Capital to complete this transaction. Well done to all those involved in getting this deal over the line with special thanks going to the Blue Shield Capital team on their entrepreneurial and dynamic spirit to complete the deal and to Rachel who was proactive in reviewing the property aspects of this deal in real time”

Lawrence Stephens acts for Gibson on new Gibson Garage opening

Posted on: February 23rd, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

We are delighted to share that Lawrence Stephens assisted Gibson, the world-famous guitar manufacturer, in the opening of its new retail concept, Gibson Garage, the first outside of Nashville on Eastcastle Street, in the heart of London.

Director and Head of Commercial Real Estate, Danny Schwarz, handled the leasing aspects. Tom Pemberton, Director in the Construction and Development Finance department, facilitated the construction element.

Lawrence Stephens has acted for Gibson for over 15 years and oversaw the move of its showroom from Rathbone Street to Eastcastle Street, which has been in the making for over two years, with the official opening taking place on 24 February. We are very excited to continue to be part of the Gibson journey.

Click here to learn more about the Gibson Garage London.

We are attending MIPIM 2024

Posted on: February 5th, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

Lawrence Stephens is pleased to have a presence again at this year’s MIPIM 2024, the leading global property event. Our cross-practice real estate team holds expertise covering all areas of Real Estate including Real Estate Financing and Banking, Residential Real Estate, Leasehold Enfranchisement and Commercial Real Estate.

Lawrence Stephens will be represented by a roster of specialist property lawyers who offer insight into the transforming real estate journey. 

Please contact us via Mipim@lawstep.co.uk or reach out to our lawyers directly, if you would like to meet, grab lunch or have a drink.

Gregory Palos, Ajoy Bose-Mallick, Andreas Panteli, Nisha Saigal, Steven Bernstein, Goli-Michelle Banan, Claire Allan and Nick Marshall, are happy to talk to you and look forward to meeting you in Cannes!

Lawrence Stephens acts for Activate Group Limited in acquisition by Elysian Capital

Posted on: February 1st, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

Lawrence Stephens’ Corporate and Commercial team recently acted for Activate Group Limited in its acquisition by Elysian Capital, in a deal which was completed on 22 January 2024.

Handling over 250,000 claims a year, Activate Group provides accident management services to insurance groups and corporate fleet operators. Their acquisition by private equity firm Elysian Capital will provide investment to allow the group to continue to grow and develop its UK operations.

The team was led by Managing Director Steven Bernstein, with assistance from Senior Associate Angela McCarthy and solicitors Lucy Cadley, Carla Bernstein, and Avni Patel.

Steven commented: “Growing from a small start-up to a UK-wide business, this acquisition represents an exciting new chapter for Activate, as the group continues to build upon its existing services while retaining its core expertise and identity.

“It was a pleasure to work alongside Hannah and the team from Activate to secure a result which pleased all parties – and represents exciting new growth for the Activate business.”

Hannah Wilcox, CEO of Activate Group, commented: “Steven and the team at Lawrence Stephens handled the deal smoothly and professionally, and provided crucial legal and commercial advice. They achieved excellent results on our behalf, and we are delighted to begin this new relationship with Elysian, which will allow us to continue to expand and advance our operations under a larger umbrella.”

Lawrence Stephens selects Trekstock as its 2024 charity partner

Posted on: January 26th, 2024 by Maverick Freedlander

We are delighted to share that Lawrence Stephens has selected Trekstock – a charity that provides resources to young adults living with a cancer diagnosis – as its charity partner of the year for 2024!

Trekstock was founded in 2009 by Sophie Epstone after she became aware of a huge gap in tailored support services for people diagnosed with cancer in their 20s or 30s.

Trekstock’s mission is to ensure that every young adult in their 20s or 30s living with cancer and its after-effects gets the tailored support they’re looking for. The charity provides a comprehensive collection of events, specialist programmes, resources, and an online forum, designed specifically for the Trekstock community to meet their needs, whatever stage they are at in living with cancer.

Lawrence Stephens are proud to support a worthy cause. In further support, the team is excited to take part in Trekstock’s Trek This City challenge – a 10-mile trek through nine Royal Parks from Richmond to London Bridge, which will take place on 19 May 2024.

Lawrence Stephens will offer its office space to Trekstock for hosting events throughout the year, so watch this space for more information in the coming months!

Managing Director, Steven Bernstein comments: “We are all delighted to begin this partnership with a charity doing such important work. Trekstock makes a massive difference in the lives of young people with cancer, and we are delighted to support such an important cause.”

Founder of Trekstock, Sophie Epstone comments: “We at Trekstock are so excited to work with the team at Lawrence Stephens this year! It is deeply gratifying to be chosen as Lawrence Stephens’ charity partner, and we look forward to furthering our shared goal of helping young people experiencing the effects of cancer.”

For more information about Trekstock and how to support their important work, follow the link here.