Professional negligence

The advice given by professionals should meet expected minimum standards.  But this does not always happen.  Some of them can be negligent when advising or representing clients: accountants, surveyors, solicitors, financial advisers, insurance brokers or architects, for example.

Professional negligence may include: making errors, missing deadlines, giving incorrect advice, being unduly careless on detail or allowing excessive delay.

In such circumstances, a claim may arise.  We represent clients across multiple sectors in bringing claims for loss sustained because of negligent advice or actions.


In establishing negligence, we assemble evidence which shows either a failure to maintain a reasonable standard of care, that another professional would not have acted in the same way, or both.  We need to demonstrate that this failure has caused a loss.

We can ensure that appropriate steps are taken to mitigate losses, as required, and advise on the best course of action to resolve the dispute without delay.

Making a claim

The usual deadline to start a professional negligence claim is six years from the date of the damage or loss suffered, although different deadlines can sometimes apply.  

Professionals must have insurance to cover potential negligence claims.  Once evidence is provided, insurance companies may admit liability.  Our team regularly deals with large insurers in negotiating and settling cases.

If a claim needs to go to court, we ensure that our clients have the strongest possible case, that they are thoroughly prepared and are represented by a professional negligence claims advocate.

Private Wealth services

Key contact


Gareth Hughes Director Head of Private Wealth and Succession Planning
Carly Russell Director Private Wealth and Succession Planning

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