
We recognise the enormous value that paralegals can provide and are looking for the best people to join us as a paralegal.  If you have relevant experience and are looking for new challenges and greater responsibility as part of a collaborative, friendly team, then Lawrence Stephens can deliver.

As a paralegal here, you will have the opportunity to complete assignments and gain experience of working on a diverse range of matters.  The level expertise required can vary, so we are interested in hearing from law students and recent graduates, as well as those with more substantial experience.

We regard diversity and inclusion as central to everything we do on behalf of our clients.  Our paralegals therefore benefit from a working environment in which people from different backgrounds can thrive.

So, whether you are taking your first steps in a legal career, waiting to start a training contract, or you are a career paralegal with significant experience, then we want to hear from you.

Paralegal Award Winner

As an indication of how well our paralegals are regarded in the legal market, Emma Clifford was the winner of the Best Conveyancing Paralegal at the National Paralegal Awards in 2021.  These awards recognise the work and achievements of paralegals in the UK, and reflect the diversity of their role within the legal sector. 

Emma has since been appointed as a trainee and will be qualifying as a solicitor with us in August 2023.



JamesLyons BradleyLee EdwardThraves GregoryPalos LawrenceKelly CharlotteHamilton CarlaBernstein BethanyJacobs AvniPatel AusraTriantafyllidou
Ausra Triantafyllidou Senior Associate
Real Estate Finance and Banking
AnnaChristou AlexRonan AndreasPanteli TomPemberton
Tom Pemberton Director
Construction and Development Finance
StevenRoskin SophieRobertson SophieMorton SaraDickie RosalinGautam RachelCoulthard PitnaKim
Pitna Kim Associate
Real Estate Finance and Banking
Paul Marsh Director
Real Estate Finance and Banking
Nisha Saigal Director
Head of Borrower - Real Estate Finance
NickMarshall MilanaKatz LucyCadley LauraGill
Laura Gill Senior Associate
Residential Real Estate
KatherineZangana JordanHunt JohnnyNichols JeffRubenstein
Jeff Rubenstein Director
Head of Corporate and Commercial
IsobelMoran IsabellaTamlyn
Isabella Tamlyn Solicitor
Private Wealth and Succession Planning
Hafsa Umarji Senior Associate
Residential Real Estate
Goli-MichelleBanan GlenBayliss GarethHughes
Gareth Hughes Director
Head of Private Wealth and Succession Planning
EmmaClifford EddieJohns DavidFreedman
David Freedman Director
Real Estate Finance and Commercial Real Estate
DavidSeal DannySchwarz CraigMullen ChristinaIoannou CarlyRussell
Carly Russell Director
Private Wealth and Succession Planning
BolaKim AndrewConway AnneWright
Anne Wright Consultant
Construction and Development Finance
AndrewPark StevenBernstein StephenMessias AjoyBose-Mallick PriyaPatel Ewan Ooi
Ewan  Ooi Trainee Solicitor
Corporate and Commercial
Abtin Yeganeh Ashley Wright SophieCarn SarahLawson Aaron Rajan Ricardo Geada Victoria McGrady MohitPasricha WilliamBowyer JakeCohen
Jake Cohen Senior Associate
Sports and Entertainment
SarahGallagher Joe Furze
Joe  Furze Associate
Private Wealth and Succession Planning
Claire Allan Director
Head of Leasehold Enfranchisement
AsimArshad ElectraKallidou
Electra Kallidou Trainee Solicitor
Private Wealth and Succession Planning
AlexRuder Heather Ramsey CharlotteMoger ZehraSalih JimRichards EleanorWood WenxiZhou
Wenxi Zhou Senior Associate
Head of Asia Pacific, Residential Real Estate
Gunduz Misiri JennieCurtis JoanneLeach Angélique Richardson MiranSharif Harshita Samani LawrenceMolloy AnnabelAndreou HenryRichards
Henry Richards Solicitor
Private Wealth and Succession Planning
AidaGashi EmmaCocker MattGreen
Matt Green Director
Head of Blockchain and Digital Assets and Technology Disputes
AlexEdwards AnnEbberson Lucy-Jane Barnett HenryDuncan MatthewNeedham-Laing SarahKeating KryshaHunt
Krysha Hunt Senior Associate
Commercial Real Estate
NicoleChi Kiu Chan Abigail Tardivel
Abigail  Tardivel Trainee Solicitor
Private Wealth and Succession Planning
StephenDodge Becci Collins Samantha Aldridge SophieLevitt OliverCorbally AndyWallis
Andy Wallis Trainee Solicitor
Sports and Entertainment
AngelaMcCarthy MishaMayet SophiaDixon MikaehlaSiscar
Mikaehla Siscar Paralegal
Residential Real Estate
DominicHolden Alexandria Clarke NehaKapoor ChristineChan
News Image
Christine Chan Paralegal
Residential Real Estate
Lisa Goder Associate
Real Estate Finance - Borrower
AlyshaMohammed RobertoFrancis DarylAtkinson
Daryl Atkinson Head of Business Development and Marketing
NatashaAli SkylarMcKeith CatherineThomas UlyanaHabka SophiaAli AmyLuhmann AnoushkaRosser Nikki Hashemi JuliannaDoughty ChloeBird
Chloe Bird Executive Assistant
Business Services
LefterisKallou SamSilverman MatthewHind ChrisCagney JohnAynsley NickhilMandora