East Asia

Our team regularly advises clients across East Asia including from China, Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia on a range of matters, including real estate, corporate and commercial and dispute resolution matters. 

Our team has an in-depth knowledge of clients from the region and their requirements in the UK. We provide tailored legal support to individuals and businesses in the region seeking to invest or expand into the UK, resolve disputes or looking to manage their personal affairs. 

Our team includes lawyers fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and Malay, and are well-versed in the diverse social, cultural and business etiquette.

Desk Head Wenxi Zhou has lived and worked in both China and Korea and is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean. Her personal practice focuses on residential conveyancing, dealing with all matters relating to residential property and is particularly experienced in acting for high-net-worth-individuals from Asia investing in prime location properties in London. She is also very familiar with our commercial property, corporate and commercial, dispute resolution and private wealth practices and regularly acts for high-net-worth-individuals, companies, property developers and banks.

International services

Head of East Asia Desk

Wenxi Zhou Senior Associate Head of Asia Pacific, Residential Real Estate