Technology disputes

As technology develops, so too does the need for legal team to understand specific and technical issues in both the subject matter and the impact that may have on the nature of any dispute.

Our team recognises the fundamental overlap between certain intellectual property rights and technology, and how proprietary assets like software, licensing and digital formats form the basis of value for technology driven firms.

Advising on commercial disputes broadly, we assist clients with issues relating to digital assets, data and digital distress (data leaks, loss of crypto assets and data security), as well as issues which lean towards intellectual property, for individuals and startups, through to multinational organisations.

The efficient operation of every organisation relies heavily on its IT systems. If these involve the development or performance of IT systems, or other key technologies, it follows that when disputes arise, this can lead to huge disruption and the potential for reputational risk and the adverse effects on your business or that of your clients can be devastating.

Our clients tell us that formal disputes are a last resort. Early input from dispute resolution experts is then essential to help identify key risks and implementing strategies to mitigate these to avoid the disruption and cost of a protracted dispute. We promote the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques to avoid this, however, if a dispute does escalate, we have sector focused expertise in all types of dispute resolution procedures, including litigation, arbitration, adjudication and expert determination.

Our team acts for both providers and customers of IT services and we work with well-known technology providers, including start-ups, owner managed businesses and major corporates operating in this sector.

We advise on disputes arising from the implementation of software and hardware, licensing of software, e-commerce and payment systems, termination rights, system outages, reseller disputes and data security.

Our technology sector lawyers have extensive experience of high-value and complex technology disputes. They combine their extensive sector knowledge with the tactical understanding of how to successfully resolve disputes and deliver the right result for our clients. 


Dispute Resolution

Key contact

Matt Green Director Head of Blockchain and Digital Assets and Technology Disputes


Matt Green Director Head of Blockchain and Digital Assets and Technology Disputes